Artistic approach

Marjo and Ahmed in the the studio in Bamako in 2019.

Music is not just music. Musical Cosmology is a unique space created of two artists. The result is more than its parts. Both artists bring their presence, their musical background, their whole life history, their social culture, their knowledge, their worldview. I believe that all these parts can be heard from the music. Music is not made in an empty space, it is made in this world, in the present time, and every part of history and being affects the result. Music made together is something bigger, indescribable.

Berber scarf and touareg scarf in Mauritania in 2017.

Colonial mind affect all of us by unconscious and conscious thoughts and ways of acting. It has many names: white supermarcy, racism, sexism, idealization of productivity. Colonial mind materializes in music in notes, harmonies, rhythms and lyrics. My approach starts from the assumption that no one’s mind is free from colonial thought patterns, and that these patterns affect the musical working process, and can be heard in the music created together.

Promophotos in 2018 and 2017. Photo credit Ville Lehvonen.

In my practise, I want to explore how power relations materialize in transcultural working, and break them away or go beyond. Dreaming is radical. Let’s dream more equal future for all the living beings. This approach stems from radical decolonial thinking.

From filming Trilogy in Dakar 2021. Photo credit Eva Johansson.

Afro-feminist approach challenges the hierarchies of knowledge. Minna Salami (2020, 11-42) talks about different knowledge in her book Sensuous Knowledge. According to Salami we have been taught to believe that all worthy knowledge is rational and logical. Salami proposes that knowledge is also something that we can access through the arts and their connections to the emotions, senses and embodied experiences. Art suits explain reality because it captures reality from inside out. (Salami 2020, 12-13.) In my artist research, I want to expand the understanding of knowledge and knowledge systems. 

Eve and Marjo in the release of Trilogy in Dakar 2021.

Intersectionality is part of the decolonial approach. “Colonised people are diverse and experience oppression differently. It would be ironic to challenge one form of domination while unintentionally reifying other forms of oppression.” (Tamale 2020, 39)

Practising with Ahmed in Bamako 2018. Concert in Music House, Helsinki 2016.

Photo credits Ville Lehvonen, 2015.

Salami, Minna. (2020). Sensuous Knowledge. Amistad. New York.